Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Nightmare Night

Last night was Tuesday night and just before midnight Victor's fever hadn't come down below 102. It had been that high for almost 5 hours and the Motrin hadn't helped any. He was also drooling a ton which was really odd. So, we took him to the hospital that is just north of our house. We got there and they did a throat culture thinking he had strep. That test came back negative but there was a ton of yucky stuff at the back so they did an x-ray. That was horrible because Victor didn't want to be kept in one place. It took three of us to hold him down and they had to take three x-rays. When they got the x-rays back they notices a large swelling in the throat which was not normal, especially in kids his age. They were worried about it and put an IV in his arm (he hated that too), gave him some anitbiotics and then called for an ambulance to take us to Primary Children's Hospital. When we got there they noticed that he had actual sores at the back of his throat and sent him for a CT. That wasn't so bad because they had all these things tying him down. That and it was almost 5AM by this time and he was just tired. The CT came back negative for the large swelling needing to be drained. So, after almost 6 hours the diagnosis was hand/foot/mouth disease. Only one part of that however seeing as he doesn't have any sores on his feet or hands. He is on some pain meds and some meds to help with his throat feeling sore. Now, we just wait. We got home around 7AM this morning and are beat. Brandon had called into work and just went in after lunch. He is now at Scouts. Victor didn't sleep too well this morning but finally fell asleep around 11 and slept until almost 6pm. He is now watching TV and has started drooling again so it is almost time for more meds.

Please, keep him in your prayers.

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