Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas is almost here

Well, the weather out side is....

GETTING COLDER! Yippee!! We sure do love the cold weather in our family.

So much has happened the last few months I don't even know where to begin.

We moved into another house not too far from our old place, but bigger and much nicer.

Gareth is home from Spain and lives downstairs in our house.

Brandon is here and works for the City of Midvale and loves his job.

Victor is doing well in Pre-K. He has to have a 4th set of tubes put into his ears on Jan 12th.

I still love my job and love my girls' night out once a month.

Victor and I went to Cali for the 4th of July when Gareth came home - this is a picture taken by Andrea while we were there.

Can you believe I haven't upload photos? Wow - things have been crazy here the past 6 months. We are all looking forward to the time between the Holiday's. I have off and Brandon is only working 3 of the days so we will have a lot of time to spend together.

1 comment:

Rachel Sanderson said...

Okay, so where do you live now? It's about time we planned on getting together or something!!